Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 12,2008

This is it . .. .we have a quiz this time finally quiz is all about windows 98,windows Xp and windows vista. . .this is the report of the three groups yasterday. . . .but before quiz told in our instructor we will having a finesh in our blogger account. . . .

August 11,2008

this is it . . . this time are the presentetion of the report of operating system and my topic is windows 98..truly i cannot understand in our report... huhuhuhu sometimes they can nerbous but if we go to the front and represent our report of the instructor and our classmates they cannot nerbous. but hey!! my report are very easy because my report is about reference site and student profile. . . .bweeeeeeee!!!!!!!

August 8,2008

This is the last day of ICT weeks . . .first i will finesh of my research because this coming monday this is a report time. . . then after the end of my research we whave a film vieweng. . . but i ditd not lestning of film viewing because im basy of txting to my friend. . . .jejejejejejeje

August 7,2008

this night are the final competetion who well lost and win win but the other student is not attend because told the other student are did not knowing of typing competetion. but some other people are the odience of the contestant of typing competetion. . . . . .

Monday, August 11, 2008

August 6,2008

This is the day that we are not class because they are an ICT weeks and they have a competetion typing from ICT department. but the other student are not attend the typing competetion. but our instructor told to be continued to create a blogger from the end of typing competetion. . .thats all sir! jejeje...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August 5,2008

this night we have our quiz...i am just hoping i could pass this quiz today...hehe i hope not only today but always if we have a quiz until the end of this subject...bweeeeeee!

July 30,2008

This evening they can finish the assignment because last night they cannot enternet connection efter fenish the assingment our intructor mr.dosejo discuss about operating system.